Saturday, August 22, 2009

Start of a New School Year

The daily routine has started at our house as I am sure it has at yours or will be soon: Getting up at dawn to make lunches, breakfast and snacks; Trying to enjoy the one cup of coffee before the house wakes up; and dealing with cranky kids that would love one more week of sleeping in.

Here is a photo tip. Take your child's first day of school photo next to a landmark at the school or outside of your home. For example we always take the first day photo next to our Wisteria tree and also in front of the school doors. And every year you can see how much your child has grown and change next to these items. It is a lot of fun to look back and .... remember when....

I will miss the summer days of just hanging with my children. But I am very excited for the busiest season of the year. Starting in September appointments are made for fall and holiday photos. Please do check your calendars so you can get your appointment and location secured.

Enjoy your first week back to school!