Saturday, November 21, 2009

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace... how sweet it is. That's about all I can say about the shoots today. Truly an amazing day that left me in tears driving home. Tears of joy, blessing and love. Rarely, can I say a day of shoots is perfect. But today God blessed me with such a rarity.

The day started like any other crazy holiday photo shoot line up. I began with a family who is celebrating their first Christmas with their little guy. I have been fortunate to see him grow through infant to 4 month old to 6 month old. To hear the mom singing at the top of her lungs to make her son smile...was pure joy. It made me think how self conscience we are when we are teens or in our twenties... but when we have kids that all goes out the window. My day followed with several experienced families... all who had so much fun and chaos and love to share. Even the family who has been divorced for a few years were able to set the differences aside to give their 9 year old child a family photo. And by the time my day was ending I could feel my heart just exploding with joy from the days event. And then my last shoot arrived.

Words could not express or convey the true love evident here. This family who has been through an emotional roller coaster with the wonderful C word...not to be mentioned as it does not deserve any recognition on this day... was amazing. As I looked through my lens I could see this sheer pure raw true love pouring out of Mom's eyes, Dad's eyes, and Grandma's eyes...and the little girls as well. It took every ounce of energy to keep the tears from rolling out of my eyes. I wanted to come home and hug my family and kiss them and then run out and have someone take a photo of capture it...the essence of US.

These families were examples today of how every shoot should be, no stress... just love....and grace.